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Nazra Quran

At Quranic Taleem, we’re delighted to offer you our comprehensive Nazra Quran course, designed to help you develop a strong foundation in reciting the Holy Quran with proficiency, accuracy, and deep spiritual understanding. Our course is meticulously crafted to cater to learners of all levels, whether you’re a beginner seeking to learn the basics or an advanced student aiming to refine your recitation skills.


  • Introduction to Quranic Recitation:
    • Understanding the significance of Nazra Quran (reading the Quran) in Islam.
    • Exploring the virtues and rewards associated with reciting the Quran.
  • Tajweed Fundamentals:

    • Delving into the basic principles of Tajweed to ensure proper pronunciation and articulation.
    • Learning the rules of Noon Saakinah (نون ساكنة) and Tanween (تنوين) for accurate recitation.
  • Art of Recitation:

    • Mastering the correct pronunciation of Arabic letters and sounds.
    • Practicing the application of Tajweed rules in reciting short Quranic passages.
  • Makhaarij al-Huroof (Articulation Points):
    • Identifying the points of articulation of Arabic letters for clear and melodious recitation.
    • Practical exercises to improve pronunciation and fluency.
  • Quranic Memorization:

    • Techniques and tips for effective Quranic memorization.
    • Memorizing selected verses and short Surahs under the guidance of experienced tutors.
  • Practical Application:

    • Engaging in regular recitation sessions to reinforce learning.
    • Reciting Quranic passages with correct Tajweed and proper rhythm.
  • Spiritual Reflection:

    • Reflecting on the meanings and messages conveyed in Quranic verses.
    • Cultivating a deeper connection with the Quran and its teachings.

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